I celebrate the world in vivid colors.
I run away from traditional conventions.
I explore a visual universe with no restrictions, repressions, or censorship.

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I’m a graphic designer and illustrator who also makes photography and crafts. I work with colors, textures, and composition.

In my work, the message is the most important thing, so the relationship between the media and the medium has to be solid.
Therefore, I focus on choosing materials and techniques that reflect the message that has to be heard.

It inspires me to think beyond that “square”, to play with the eye of the beholder (and a little bit of jokery). But, as an artist, there is nothing that inspires me more than a Deadline lol.

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Portada Golden Puma

Jun / 2024
La portada del meu últim tema, Golden Puma, parla de mirar-nos als ulls i de dir-nos la veritat sense amagar cap contradicció. No és només una foto amb una cara bonica, t'estic mirant als ulls, reptant-te a què et miris tu als ulls. És un duel entre el bé i el mal. És un duel entre el qui ets i qui vols ser. En resum, és la ràbia felina de Golden Puma.
